Assessing the impact of students facilitating workshops within the context of a collaborative cross institution project


  • Grant Petrey University for the Creative Arts



Peer Assisted Learning, scaffolding, student facilitation


This research was conducted to evaluate the impact that situated collaborative learning projects can have on the experience of students who lead workshops as student facilitators. Following the ‘Communities of Practice’ work of Lave and Wenger (1991), this cross institution project was developed in conjunction with the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in Kent, and Turner Contemporary, Margate, and Charles Dickens School. Secondary school, further education and higher education students produced animation work from source materials obtained from the Margate Community in a series of short workshops. These workshops were facilitated by mixed stage student volunteers from the BA (Hons) Animation Arts course, School of Fine Arts at UCA. The impact of this project on the student experience as a strategy for enhancing critical skills and improving self-efficacy is considered via qualitative research yielded from student feedback. The results revealed the approaches used by the student facilitators in managing the learning of others and a range of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies which they deployed, including evidence of scaffolding.

Author Biography

Grant Petrey, University for the Creative Arts

Grant Petrey is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Fine Art at the University for the Creative Arts who has gained experiences teaching and managing across a range of contexts within arts education.


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How to Cite

Petrey, G. (2012). Assessing the impact of students facilitating workshops within the context of a collaborative cross institution project. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education, 4(1), 17–31.


