An action research project to explore the effect of a pre-assessment intervention with undergraduate occupational therapy students
Action research, assessment, formative feedbackAbstract
This action research study was conducted with 40 undergraduate occupational therapy students completing a Level 6 module. Following identification of the issue of student performance in the module assessment, an emancipatory action research cycle was implemented (Atwal, 2002), consisting of a pre-assessment intervention (Rust et al., 2003) to enhance student understanding of the assessment criteria being used. Results were gathered via reviewing student performance and comments from student module evaluations. Reflection and wider implementation of the action was then completed. The project resulted in an indication of improvement in student performance in the module assessment and a reported increase in student engagement. Findings suggest the need to include some form of formative feedback or pre-assessment intervention in all undergraduate modules in health and social care education. Recommendations for further research are discussed.References
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