Collaborative practice in practice in enhancing the first year experience in Higher Education


  • Eunice Lumsden The University of Northampton
  • Heather Mcbryde-Wilding The University of Northampton
  • Hannah Rose



Transitions, Assessment support, National Curriculum, Educational histories, Expectations, Higher Education, Student voice, Widening participation, Scaffolding


Transition into higher education presents challenges for students, whatever their age or previous educational history. One issue emerging on an English undergraduate programme was how to support students who self reported educational histories of continual formative feedback, model answers, revision guides and limited use of the library. This paper reports findings from an action research project which considered whether there was a mismatch between students’ previous educational histories and the academic expectations of the university. Findings indicated that academic expectations did not fully take account of the previous experience of students, which included continual formative support with assessments, model answers and revision guides. Students responses indicated limited previous guidance on how to search on the internet and libraries were rarely used prior to starting university. Transitional scaffolding was positively evaluated, students reporting greater confidence levels in accessing appropriate resources, high levels of student completion, retention and satisfaction.

Author Biographies

Eunice Lumsden, The University of Northampton

Eunice Lumsden is the Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies in The School of Education at The University of Northampton. Prior to joining the university she had over 20 years experience as a social work practitioner in the statutory and voluntary sector. She has contributed to a number of research projects including outdoor play, sure start evaluation and adoption. He doctorial studies are focusing on the development of a new professional identity.

Heather Mcbryde-Wilding, The University of Northampton

Heather McBryde-Wilding is the Academic Support Manager for the School of Education within the Department of Information Services at The University of Northampton.

Hannah Rose

Hannah Rose is the Academic Librarian for the School of Education within the Department of Information Services at The University of Northampton.


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How to Cite

Lumsden, E., Mcbryde-Wilding, H., & Rose, H. (2010). Collaborative practice in practice in enhancing the first year experience in Higher Education. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education, 2(1), 12–24.


